Module Intoduction
1 - Installing ansible
1.1 - understanding ansible
Ansible is CMS tool which allows you to manage all the host nodes through one control node.
1.2 - Host requirements
Basically, all you need to setup is ansible and python on the control node and python only for slave nodes, as ansible will run python scripts on the slave nodes.
Another thing you need is setting up ssh to access the slave nodes.
A dedicated user account to manage the slave nodes. in my case I named it ansible, slave1,2,3..
Sudoers config file to give the privillege.
Fixed IP addresses to make it easier.
Setting up DNS configurations.
1.3 - Installing ansible on the control node.
Ansible can be installed from repos, or using the python pip installer.
- Using pip:
yum install python3
yum -y install python3-pip
alternatives —set python /usr/bin/python3
su - ansible; pip3 install ansible —user
ansible —version
- Using repos:
subscription-manager repos —list
subscription-manager repos —enable=ansible-2-for-rhel-8-x86_64-rpms
use yum install ansible
ansible —version
yum install python3 for the managed nodes
1.4 - Preparing managed nodes
So in order to prepare the managed nodes, all you need to do is creating a user account and give and add it to sudoers file.
useradd user && echo passwd | passwd —stdin user
echo “user ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL” > /etc/sudoers.d/user
from control node : ssh-copy-id user@slave1; ssh-copy-id user@slave2
yum install python3
alternativs set python /usr/bin/python3
1.5 - Verifying ansible installation
ansible —version
.Also make sure to ssh into the slave machines without any probs.
- Using pip:
2 - Setting up a managed environment :
2.1 Setting up static inventory:
- In Ansible environment you need to know which machines are manageable from an Ansible perspective.
- Static inventory is used to manage individual machines, hostnames, ips are used to define the machines.
- You can set a group of hosts in inventory to make it easy to address multiple hosts at once
- Variables can be used. but is deprecated practice
- Ranges can be used, exp : server[1:20] server1 to server20, or 192.168.[4:5].[0:255]
- Locations of the inventory files :
- By default & ansible will look at if if -i option is not used :
- Can be specified through the
- option
-i inventory
can specify the location of the inventory.
- By default & ansible will look at if if -i option is not used :
- Example of a static Inventory file :
[webservers] [fileservers] [servers:children] webservers fileservers
- small Lab :
- mkdir project1
- vim inventory
- ansible -i inventory all(OR)ungrouped —list-hosts
2.2 Understanding Dynamic Inventory:
- Dynamic Inventory is recommended to be used when managing many machines in a rack server for example.
- Dynamic Inventory is basically a script to discover all of the different servers that are living in the cloud and the ones that are being added to the cloud environment
- These scripts are referred to in the same way as static inventory, but must have the +x permission set.
- check github for many dynamic inventory scripts.
2.3 Understanding Ansible Configuration Files:
- Sample ansibe.cfg configuration file:
[default] inventory = <> remote_user= identfication of the user used to reach out to the managed machines. host_key_checking = false ⇒ to make ansible a lit bit tolerant in case anything is wrong with ssh host keys. [privelege_escalation ⇒ How to run tasks on the remote vms] become = True ⇒ to run tasks as somebody else. become_method = Sudo ⇒by default sudo become_user = root become_ask_pass = false ⇒ to tell ansible that we don’t need to provide a password! running tasks as root, using sudo without any interaction.
- Locations :
- /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg is the defaut location.
- ~/.ansible.cfg if exists will overwrite the default
- ./ansible.cfg is the configuration file in the current ansible project directory and it will always have precedence if it exists (the most common way)
- If the variable ANSIBLE_CONFIG exists to refer to a specific config file, this will always have precedence.
- ansible —version to find which configuration file currently is used.
2.4 Managing Ansible Configuration Files:
3- Using Adhoc commands
- Using Ad Hoc Commands:
- Ad Hoc commands are used to make a quick setup just from the CLI without making it too complicated.
- Basic structure :
ansible <hosts> -m <module_name> -a ‘module_args’ -i <inventory_name>
- example 1:
ansible all -m user -a ‘name=chxmxi’
- example 2:
ansible all -m command -a ‘id chxmxi’
- Understanding Ansible Modules
- Modules allow you to perform specific tasks on managed hosts.
- Modules are used to tell ansible what you want it to do, either in ad-hoc commands as well as in playbooks
- user ansible-doc -l for a list of modules currently available (You can develop your own modules)
- ansible-doc will show which arguments are available and which are required.
- Ansible modules are idempotent: which means that when running them again they’ll give the same result and if a task has already been configured, they won’t do it again.
- Using ansible-doc to get Module Documentation
- The ansible-doc command provides documentation about modules
- Use ansible-doc -l for a list of all modules
- ansible-doc <module_name> to get the documentation for a specific module
- Modules status :
- Stableinterface: the module is safe to use
- preview: the module is in tech preview and its keywords may change.
- deprecated: the module should not be used anymore, and will be removed in a future release.
- removed: the module has been removed and the documentation only still exists to help users migrating to its replacement.
- Modules Support statuts:
- core: supported by the core ansible devs
- curated: supported by the partners and companies in the community, proposed changes are reviewed by the core devs
- community: supported by the community.
- Modules status :
- Introduction Essential Ansible Modules
- ping:
ansible all -m ping
- service: checks if a service is currently running
ansible all -m service -a "name=httpd state=started"
- command: runs any command, but not through a shell.
ansible all -m command -a “/sbin/reboot -t now”
- shell: runs arbitrary commands through shell
ansible all -m shell -a set ansible all -m shell -a “cat /etc/passwd”
- raw: runs commands on a remote host without a need for py.
ansible all -m raw -a “yum install python3 -y”
- copy: copies a file to the managed host.
ansible all -m copy -a ‘content=”hello” dest=/etc/file'
- ping:
- Using Ad Hoc Commands:
4- Getting started with playbooks
- Using YAML to write Playbooks
- Ansible Playbooks are used to run multiple tasks against managed hosts in a scripted way
- In playbooks, one or multiple plays are started
- each plays run one or more tasks
- Different modules are used to perform the actual work for a task
- Verifying Playbook Syntax
- in ~/.vimrc ⇒
autocmd FileType yaml setlocal ai ts=2 sw=2 et
ansible-playbook —syntax-check <playbook name>
- -v[vvv] to increase the output verbosity
- -C to perform a dry run
- in ~/.vimrc ⇒
- Writing Multiple-Play Playbooks
- Using YAML to write Playbooks
5-working with variables and facts
- Understanding Variables
- A Variable is a label that is assigned to a specific value to make it easy to refer to that value throughout the playbook.
- Variables can be defined by administrators at different levels
- A fact is a special type of variable, that refers to a current state of an Ansible-managed system.
- Using Variables
- Variables can be set at different levels
- In a playbook
- hosts: all vars: web_package: httpd
- In inventory (deprecated)
- In inclusion files
- hosts: all vars_files: - vars/<filename>.yml
- In a playbook
- Variables names :
- The name must start with a letter
- Variable name can only contain letters, numbers, and “_”.
- Variables can be set at different levels
- Understanding Variable Precedence
- Vars can be set with different types of scope
- Global scope: var is set from inventory or the cli
ansible-playbook site.yml -e “web_package=apache”
- Play scope: var is set from a play
- Host scope: var is set in inventory or using host variable inclusion file
- Global scope: var is set from inventory or the cli
- Vars can be set with different types of scope
- Managing Host Variables
- Vars can be assigned to hosts and to groups of hosts
- Use directories to populate host and group variables
- host vars can be stored in your project dir:
- /host_vars/<host name>
- /group_vars/<group name>
- You don’t have to define vars in these dirs in the playbook as they are picked automatically
- Using Multi-valued Variables
- Multi-valued variable, it can be written as an array(list) or as a dictionary(hash) and this depends on the use-case.
- Using Dictionary :
- Dictionaries can be written in two ways :
One ⇒
users: linda: username: linda shell: /bin/bash lisa: username: lisa shell: /bin/sh
Two ⇒users: linda: {username: ’linda’, shell: ’/bin/bash’} lisa: {username: ‘lisa’, shell: ‘/bin/sh’}
- To address items in a dictionary, you can use two notations :
- var_name[’key’] ⇒
- var_name.key ⇒
- var_name[’key’] ⇒
- You can’t use loop or with_items on dictionaries
- Dictionaries can be written in two ways :
One ⇒
- Using arays :
- Arrays provide a list of items, where each item can be addressed separately
users: - username: linda shell: /binsh - username: lisa shell: /bin/sh
- You can address to an individual item in the array using {{ var_name[0] }} notation
- Use with_items or loop to access all variables.
- Arrays provide a list of items, where each item can be addressed separately
- Using Ansible Vault
- ansible vault is developed to protect sensitive data (web keys, passwords..) through encrypting and decrypting files.
- create encrypted file ⇒
ansible-vault create playook.yml
- You can enter the password using passwd stored in a file (Make sure to give the perms 0600) ⇒
ansible-vault create —vault-password-file=vault-pass playbook.yml
- view a vault enrypted file ⇒
ansible-vault view playbook.yml
- to edit ⇒
ansible-vault edit playbook.yml
- encrypt/decrypt ⇒
ansible-vault encrypt/decrpyt playbook.yml
- change passwd of an exisitng file ⇒
ansible-vault rekey
- Working with Facts.
- Ansible facts are variables that are automatically set and discovered by ansible on managed hosts
- Facts contain information about hosts that can be used in conditionals
- By default, all playbooks perform fact-gathering before running the actual plays
- use the setup module to run fact-gathering in an ad-hoc command.
- use the debug module to print the value of the ansible_facts variable
- ansible facts will show you hardware information, storage configuration and much more..
- Use
no in the play header to disable it as it may seriously speed up playbooks.
- Using the setup module in a task will run a fact gathering.
- Creating Custom Facts:
- Custom facts allow administrators to dynamically generate variables which are stored as facts
- Custom facts are stored in an ini or JSON file in the /etc/ansible/facts.d directory on the managed host
- The name of these files must end in .fact
- Custom facts are stored in the ansible_facts.ansible_local variable
- Use
ansibe <hostname> -m setup -a “filter=ansible_local”
to display local facts.
- Understanding Variables